TMJ Therapy

TMJ Therapy

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome (TMJ) is a common condition affecting a wide variety of people.  Symptoms of TMJ disfunction may include some of the following:

  • Frequent headaches 
  • Migraines
  • Jaw muscle pain of varying degrees
  • Joint noise and pain 
  • Worn and broken teeth
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Gum recession and notching of teeth at gum line
  • Intermittent ringing in the ears.
  • Vertigo ( Dizziness )
  • Cervical / neck pain
 The vast majority of TMJ sufferers are unaware that the root cause of these symptoms is something that a dentist can effectively treat.

TMJ disorder is a progressive disease.  Symptoms usually continue to worsten over time, eventually interfering with every day life. Treating TMJ disorder at an early stage is recommended.  As a Neuromuscular dentist, Dr Sudikoff uses advanced technology to help her find a physiologically healthy bite relationship.  

Reasons for treating TMJ... to feel better!

TMJ sufferers report that their symptoms generally worsen during periods of prolonged or unexpected stress, and that intense outbreaks of the condition can lead to neck pain, headaches, migraines, ringing in the ears and dizziness.

The most common cause of TMJ is the misalignment of the teeth, often called “bad bite.”  Painful symptoms are caused by the constant overuse of the muscles of the head and neck to align the bad bite.  90% of facial pain is from muscle fatique and overuse.  It is possible for Dr Sudikoff to eliminate the majority of your symptoms through the use of an orthotic.  An orthotic is a lower jaw appliance that is built to your body's physiological bite position. The orthotic will improve or eliminate the pounding headaches, the jaw pain, and the dizziness.  

What does treating TMJ involve?

Your first appointment is a TMJ comprehensive consultation. At that appointment, Dr Sudikoff will spend time talking with you about your symptoms, examining your mouth, teeth, muscles and joints. Many times we take photographs and x-rays to do a thorough consultation.  At that time we have a good understanding of what your concerns are and can recommend a plan.  Our goal is to educate you into understanding your condition and how we think we can help you. 

Following the consultation our patients decide how they want to progress with their treatment.  If a patient does want to go to the next step we usually recommend a neuromuscular diagnostic appointment.  At that appointment we will use a tens unit, surface electromyography, and sonography to evaluate your bite relationship.  This data is critical in finding a physiologically comfortable bite position.  This relationship between the upper and lower jaw is the position your orthotic is made to.

How long does it take to get the orthotic made?

An orthotic can be made within a week or two.  Our patients have a varied range of treatment protocols, ranging from only wearing it at night, to wearing it all the time except for eating.  Your treatment protocol is specific to your needs and symptom elimination and is determined by Dr Sudikoff after she has  made a final diagnosis for you. 

How much does it cost?    

A lot depends on what you need to make you feel better.   There are several options depending on your specific diagnosis, however most patients can expect to pay in a certain range depending on the type of orthotic they choose.

Therapeutic orthotics: can range from $3500 - $5000.  These orthotics are removable and are meant for part time wear, but can be worn for up to 21 hrs a day.  

Reconstruction Orthotics:  can range from $6000- $7000.  These orthotics are typically bonded onto the lower teeth and are the first phase of a permanent reconstruction, changing the way the teeth bite together permanently.   Permanent teeth movement can be accomplished through orthodontics,  or crowns and veneers.  

It is an investment in you and your quality of life....   How long are you willing to live in pain?


If you are experiencing any symptoms of TMJ, we encourage you to contact our office today to schedule an appointment.

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